Transports Custom Installation

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Swivel is supplied with a variety of integrations to many SMS vendors, and gateways. However not all are shown on screen, and sometimes may require updating. For further information on Transport configuration see Transport Configuration.


Swivel 3.x


Updated transport

New transport


A transport is a method of delivering security strings and other information to users. Additional transport classes may be written either by syetem integrators or by Swivel Secure. Contact Swivel if an integration is required. An API is available for those wishing to write their own transport class. For further information and location of transports see below under Custom Transports.

Upgrading, or Installing a Transport Class

Transports can be created and uploaded to the Swivel server. The locations for uploading the classes is different for Swivel 3.5 and earlier systems see Java Class. Copy the transport files to the correct location, for an appliance see WinSCP How To Guide

Swivel 3.6

<Path to Tomcat>webapps/pinsafe/WEB-INF/classes/com/swiveltechnologies/pinsafe/server/transport

Swivel 3.5

<Path to Tomcat>webapps/pinsafe/WEB-INF/classes/com/swiveltechnologies/pinsafe/transport

When uploading custom transports to the Swivel server ensure the file ownerships are correct. For the Swivel appliance go to to the folder of the uplodaded transport and ensure they are correct, to change them use the following command:

 chown swivel:swivel *.class

You also may need to check the file permissions.

 chmod 664 newclassname.class

Custom Text

You may also be provided with a file containing custom console text and error messages, named *.en.xml (* can be anything in this case). This file must be copied to

<Path to Tomcat>webapps/pinsafe/WEB-INF/languages

As before, check file ownership and permissions.

Once the new files have been installed, restart Tomcat for them to become effective.

Activating the new Transport

To use a new transport create an entry in the Transport section. Scroll to the bottom of the screen, and fill in the empty sections. Use the example image to populate the contents. The 'Class' is different for 3.5 and earlier systems. The end of the 'Class' line reflects the name of the Transport copied earlier. The example image, shows the entry if the SMTPTransport.class file had been uploaded.

 3.5 = com.swiveltechnologies.pinsafe.transport.transport_name 
 3.6 = com.swiveltechnologies.pinsafe.server.transport.transport_name

Transport SMTP2.JPG

Select the relevant entries for 'Group' and 'Alert repository group' and destination attribute.


For testing purposes, it is recommended that initially you create a new group and add just one or two users to that group. Once you are confident that the transport is working as intended, you can assign the group you intend to use.

If you are reconfiguring an existing group containing many users to use the new transport, it is recommended that you set the option "Resend credentials if destination changes" to "No". Otherwise, you may find that everyone will be resent their credentials.

Configuring the new Transport

Once you have added an entry for this transport, and assigned a group to either Group or Alert, a new entry will be added to the Transport menu, named according to the name you just gave the transport. Select that entry, and configure the transport as appropriate.

Assigning Users to the Transport

Users are not reallocated to the new transport until a user sync job runs, so you will need to run a manual User Sync in order to assign the new transport to the required users.