SMPP How to guide

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Swivel supports the use of the Short Message Peer-to-Peer (SMPP) protocol for authentication. This document outlines how to configure the Swivel server for SMPP authentication.


Swivel 3.6 or higher


Swivel 3.6 has been tested against SMPP version 3.4

Swivel Configuration

Transport General Configuration

On the Swivel Administration Console select Transport then General, and click on New Entry.

Swivel 3 9 2 Transport New.jpg

Enter the required information for the Transport as below;

For the setting values see Transport Settings

Identifier: SMPP

Class: com.swiveltechnologies.pinsafe.server.transport.SMPPTransport

Strings per message: 1

Copy to alert transport: No

Destination attribute: phone

Strings Repository Group: PINsafeUsers (or other required group, can only have one transport entry for Strings Repository Group)

Alert repository group: PINsafeUsers (or other required group, can only have one transport entry for Alert repository group)

Swivel 3 9 2 Transport SMPP.jpg

When complete click Apply to save the settings, and a new entry should appear under Transport in the Administration console which can be edited as below.

Transport SMPP Configuration

Click on the name of the Identifier created above, located under Transport. The following will need to be configured.

Server: IP or Hostname of the SMPP server

Port: Port used by the SMPP server, default 2775

System Type: SMPP type, default pcsms

Username: SMPP server username (you are not allowed an e-mail address in the Username field)

Password: SMPP server password

Source Address:

Source TON: default 5 (see below)

Source NPI: default 0 (see below)

Destination TON: default 1 (see below)

Destination NPI default 0 (see below)

Keep Alive: default No, Options Yes/No

Keep Alive Time: default 30000

TON settings

Unknown = 0

International = 1

National = 2

Network Specific = 3

Subscriber Number = 4

Alphanumeric = 5

Abbreviated = 6

NPI settings

Unknown = 0

ISDN/telephone numbering plan (E163/E164) = 1

Data numbering plan (X.121) = 3

Telex numbering plan (F.69) = 4

Land Mobile (E.212) =6

National numbering plan = 8

Private numbering plan = 9

ERMES numbering plan (ETSI DE/PS 3 01-3) = 10

Internet (IP) = 13

WAP Client Id (to be defined by WAP Forum) = 18


Known Issues


Error Messages

Exception while processing message: ie.omk.smpp.message.InvalidParameterValueException: Bad service type

The SMPP SYSTEM TYPE is invalid, try with the default pcsms