Appliance Swivel Core Patch File Versions FAQ

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Versions of the Swivel core Appliance Patch FAQ


Note: this article is obsolete. Version 3 and 4 appliances handle updates within the appliance menu. For patches to version 2, see Patch Management

There are several types of patches that may be released for Swivel hardware and Virtual Appliances, the main ones are:

  • Appliance Swivel Core Patches (updating the Swivel Core application)
  • Appliance Patches (updating the OS etc)

This FAQ outlines the changes within Appliance Swivel core patches for Swivel hardware and Virtual appliances. To see which appliance version you have see Appliance General FAQ,

For Swivel core versions information contained within the patch see Versions FAQ.

For information on the Appliance Update Patches see Appliance Versions FAQ.

Appliance Swivel core patches


  • Swivel 3.10.3

Earlier Appliance Swivel Core patches

Earlier Swivel patch versions contained the Swivel core