Appliance support logs
When reporting an error on either an appliance or with Swivel it is advisable to generate a support file. The support file contains versioning information and log files.
The instructions contained in this document have been tested on a V2.x appliance: (Appliance General FAQ)
Check also: (Troubleshooting Files FAQ)
If you find that they are not applicable to your appliance, please contact Swivel Secure support ( for assistance.
It is assumed that the appliance is already configured, and has a valid IP address on your network.
Sending Support file by email
1. Login to the appliance CMI using the console or an SSH client (Using SSH and SFTP)
2. Select "Advanced Options" from the Main Menu.
3. Select "Admin menu" from the Advanced Menu.
4. Select "Diagnostics" from the Admin Menu.
5. Select "Support logs and information".
6. Enter an email address. the email will be sent from the appliance, so using an internal server is recommended to avoid email relay issues.
7. Enter an IP address or DNS name for an SMTP server. Note that the hostname or IP address needs to be specifically entered and just pressing return will not enter any listed SMTP server.
Sending Support file manually using external method
1. Follow all of the previous steps, using a non-existent SMTP server.
2. Use SFTP to connect to the appliance (Using SSH and SFTP)
3. Navigate to the "/backups/upload" directory.
4. Download the "support_info.tar.gz" file.
5. Manually email the support file.
Check that the IP address is the correct IP for the appliance.
Ensure the appliance can connect to a mail server using port 25.
Unless an SMTP server is configured to allow un-authenticated relaying, which they never are, the SMTP server must be on the same network as the PINsafe appliance.
Type in the SMTP server address explicitly, do nt just press enter.
If any error messages are reported after the rpm command please contact Swivel Secure support ( for assistance.
The Diagnostics uses its own Mail server and not Sendmail, so the logs will not appear in /var/log/maillog.
Sample Support logs
Support Information Gathering support files, and creating a zip archive. 1. Send zip archive to local mail server 2. Create zip archive in /backups/upload and collect with SFTP 0. Diagnostics Select: 1 Please enter an email address to send the support archive to. Email:
Support Information Gathering support files, and creating a zip archive. 1. Send zip archive to local mail server 2. Create zip archive in /backups/upload and collect with SFTP 0. Diagnostics Select: 1 Please enter an email address to send the support archive to. Email: SMTP server (
Support Information Gathering support files, and creating a zip archive. 1. Send zip archive to local mail server 2. Create zip archive in /backups/upload and collect with SFTP 0. Diagnostics Select: 1 Please enter an email address to send the support archive to. Email: SMTP server ( The support log file may be download using SFTP from /backups/upload Press Return to Continue