Change Configuration Location
This document describes how to change the location of Swivel configuration files.
- Software-only installation - it is not recommended that you change the location of the configuration files on an appliance.
- Swivel software version 3.9.1 or later
How to Guide
Check the Current Location
Before you start moving the configuration, you need to check where Swivel has deployed the configuration initially. We are assuming here that Swivel has been initially deployed using default settings.
Log into the Administration console and go to the status page (you will probably be shown this initially anyway).
Look for the entry "Data Storage Root" and make a note of the location shown.
Move the Current Configuration
Stop Tomcat.
Go to the Data Storage Root location you noted earlier. Copy all folders and files from this location to the desired location.
Change the Setting for Swivel Home
Go to the Tomcat home folder, then into webapps\pinsafe\WEB-INF
Edit the file web.xml that you should find there.
Search for "env-entry". You should find the following:
<description>If non empty value, will be the root for all the data - takes precedence over default and environment variable</description>
Insert the new folder containing the configuration files within <env-entry-value>, for example:
You can now restart Tomcat
To demonstrate that this works, simply log into the administration console and check that Data Storage Root is showing your new location.
Known Issues
We have occasionally seen Swivel fail to start, showing a stack trace which includes a reference to MissingResourceException for "config". This is due to a configuration file not having been copied over correctly - the exact cause for this is not known. However, there is a simple workaround:
Go to the Data Storage Root folder, and to the conf sub-folder within that. Look for a file called It is likely that this file does not exist. In this case, simply create a new, empty text file called "", then restart Tomcat.