Change MySQL Password
From Swivel Knowledgebase
For appliance version 2.0.16.
Swivel appliance hardware or virtual build 2.0.16
Requirement to change the MySQL admin password from the Swivel default
Login to the consile, and then exit to the command line.
Run the following command:
mysqladmin -h [appliance IP] -u admin -p’[current password]' password [new password]
Modify the main menu script:
- edit /usr/local/bin/smenu
- Search for "Passwd" and change the default value, and save the file.
Modify the DB sync script:
- edit /usr/local/bin/
- Change each line were the default password is entered, there are 9 instances of the password in the file.
- Exit the command line
Check that the changes have taken effect by using the console menu to check on MySQL DB Status.