Console Access How to guide
Swivel appliances are configured using the Command Management Interface (CMI) through the console, this document outlines how to access the console. For access to the Command Line see Command Line Access How to guide.
Swivel appliance 2.x
Console Access Methods
Console access to Swivel appliances is available in the following ways:
Virtual Machine (VM) Console
Virtual machines provide console access using the admin user through the Virtual Machine management tools.
Secure Shell (SSH)
SSH access can be made using the admin user to the appliance IP address on port 22. See PuTTY How To Guide for more information.
For uploading and Downloading files using the admin user , see WinSCP How To Guide.
Hardware Appliance Console (KVM)
Hardware appliances support the use of a Keyboard, Video and Mouse for console access using the admin user .
Hardware Appliance Dell Remote Access Card (DRAC)
Hardware appliances support where present the out of band Dell Remote Access Cards, see DRAC Card How To Guide
Issuing Commands through the command line
Different keyboard mappings may make it difficult to enter some commands, this can commonly occur when a VPN or remote desktop sharing is used to further access the command line through the console. The following describes the use of Ascii codes to obtain the correct character.
Using Ascii codes at the command line
When using Ascii codes press the Alt key together with the number keys of the Ascii code. This is done using the numeric keypad (laptops may require the Fn key and the Alt key to be used).
e.g. FnALT124
Commonly used Ascii codes
! 33
' 39
- 45
/ 47
\ 92
| 124