DR Appliance Enable Procedure

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The article outlines how to enable, configure and synchronise a Swivel hardware or virtual DR appliance with a Master (Primary Server) for providing resilience between sites, see High Availability with PINsafe.

It is recommended that this process is completed before any network configuration tasks have been completed.


Swivel hardware or virtual standalone appliance

Swivel DR Patch


1. From the CMI Command Line, run the following: rpm --force -ivh swivel-dr-enable1-0.0.2-1.noarch.rpm

2. This will have created a new /etc/my.cnf and it would have saved the original file as my.cnf.rpmsave

3. Restart MySQL by running the command of: service mysqld start - this will load the changes and create master.info file in /var/lib/mysql - also check to make sure this is so (ls -lh /var/lib/mysql)

4. Remove the RPM (rm swivel-dr-enable1-0.0.2-1.noarch.rpm).

5. On the DR CMI, under Advanced > Admin menu > Change Single appliance to a DR appliance.

6. Set Master IP address for MySQL replication in CMI to the Primary IP under Networking > IPs & Routing > Change Appliance IPs > Active Master Appliance IP.

7. Set the DR IP on Primary Server (Master) via the CMI, under Networking > IPs & Routing > Change Appliance IPs > DR Appliance IP.

If you have any issues with this process, raise a support ticket via supportdesk@swivelsecure.com