Duplicate Names
How to work with duplicate names, such as in differing AD Domains
Swivel 3.x
A user cannot be added as the name already exists. You cannot have the same username for two different users.
A unique attribute can be used for the user such as userPrincipalName instead of SAMaccountname e.g. user1@swivelsecure.com instead of user1.
It is also possible to modify usernames to prefix them with the domain name.
Note that changing the username will create a new user and thus send the user a new PIN, so this should be configured at the initial install.
On the Swivel administration console select Repository, then the name of the AD server then modify the Username attribute. It is possible to also add a domain prefix\suffix. Possible options are:
See also User Attributes How To for information on different attributes and authenticating to those attributes.