
From Swivel Knowledgebase
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This guide is a guide to the Swivel Knowledge-base and is intended as a guide for people to help them get the most out of the wiki but also a guide for how to contribute articles to the wiki.

What is the wiki

The wiki is a knowledge-base full of a range of articles. Articles can be of the following types

  • Navigation (where) pages: Pages that guide people to the most appropriate sections within the wiki
  • Explanations (what): Articles that explain features of the product, installations, error messages
  • Solutions (how): Solutions to problems, eg getting locked out of the admin console, changing the port numbers that PINsafe runs on

How to use the Wiki

The wiki provides a number of different routes for a user to get to the information for which they are look.

  • Search: The wiki has an advanced search engine that allows a user to search for the information they seek, eg "Nortel Integration" to find a Nortel VPN Integration guide.
  • Navigate: Starting at the Main Page following the appropriate links, eg Integration Guides then VPN Integration then Nortel VPN
  • Mixed: If a user has a symptom that they wish to understand they may first search based on that symptom, eg "account locked" this will take them to an article that explains when and how accounts become locked. This article then has links to a number of related articles that may provide the required solution.

Articles will be constantly be being added to the wiki, realistically the navigation pages will always be slightly behind, therefore if information cannot be found via navigation, searching should be tried.

Contributing to the Wiki

To keep the wiki manageable articles should be small and self-contained. Authors should remember that a solution needs to be understandable to someone who has gone directly to that article via a search as well as by someone who has navigated to it. Authors who contribute new or edit existing solutions should check relevant navigation/explanation pages to see if any of these would benefit from updating.

Document Categories and Templates

Documents should be categorized into one of the following types

Types of Document

[Manuals] [FAQ] [Trouble Shooting] [How]

They should be further sub-categorised, for example a VPN Integration guide would be in the How category but also in the sub-category of VPN Integration.

Documents should also be categorized according to the Swivel product they are related to. eg Core, Sentry, Appliance, UserPortal.

Integration documents should also be categorized according to the vedor/product that they are related to.

To ensure categorization include the category tag in your documents

Documents will be in multiple categories, for example an integration guide for Google and Sentry could be categorized as

[[Category:CloudIntegration]] [[Category:Sentry]] [[Category:Google]]

You can see the available categories Special:Categories

Document Format

There are some standard article formats that are recommended. These are

  1. Only use two levels of headings
  2. Do not number headings
  3. Images should be annotated
Selecting NAT option

[[Image:selectNAT.jpg|frame|none|Selecting NAT option]]

  1. The following format should be used for command line representation
> ls -al

This is achieved by starting each line with a space character

The following styles are available. Table of contents appears automatically

Level 1 Heading

Level 2 Heading

WARNING This is a important notice

<p class="warning">'''WARNING''' This is a important notice</p>

NOTE This is a more general warning

<p class="note">'''NOTE''' This is a more general warning</p>

Name Wikitable
one 50
two 33



When listing contents of files
Start line with a space
  1. Item one of numbered list
    1. Item 1.1 of a numbered list
  2. Item two
  • Bullet Point
    • Sub Bullet point
  • Another Bullet Point

Another Heading

To Illustrate ToC

Another Heading