IP Address change for Active Active Appliances with CMI
This document outlines the procedures for changing the IP address on Swivel Servers using Active Active virtual or hardware appliances. For hardware appliances the DRAC IP address can also be changed, see DRAC Card How To Guide
Have read and followed the information in IP Address change for PINsafe servers How to Guide
Backed up the appliances, and verified a good backup is in place.
IP address change on Swivel Active/Active Appliances with MySQL using the CMI
IP Address Change Preparation
Ensure databases are correctly synchronised between Swivel servers.
It may be possible to set another appliance to carry out authentications whilst the appliance is upgraded.
Set other Swivel servers to slave mode and stop repository synchronisations to stop problems during upgrade.
Login to the DR, then Secondary then primary appliances and change Swivel Mode to ‘Slave’, and change the Database to ‘shipping’
Use the CMI to change IP addresses
Changing the IP address will require the Tomcat service to stop and a restart of the MySQL service.
At the end of networking configuration changes, you may be asked to restart network settings. Care should be taken when changing remote machine IP addresses as it may become possible to lose network connectivity if wrong information is entered.
Primary Server
Use the CMI to change the IP addresses of the Primary Server, the following information is required:
- IP Address of Primary ETH0
- Subnet Mask of Primary ETH0
- Gateway IP address
- IP Address of Primary ETH1
- Subnet Mask of Primary ETH1
- VIP address (where used)
- Standby Server IP address (if also being changed)
- DR server IP address (if also being changed)
- Hostname (if also being changed)
- DNS Servers (if also being changed)
Secondary/Standby Server
If the Secondary or Standby server is being changed, then change the IP addresses using the CMI
- IP Address of Standby or Secondary ETH0
- Subnet Mask of Standby or Secondary ETH0
- Gateway IP address
- IP Address of Standby or Secondary ETH1
- Subnet Mask of Standby or Secondary ETH1
- VIP Address (where used)
- Primary Server IP address (if also being changed)
- DR server IP address (if also being changed)
- Hostname (if also being changed)
- DNS Servers (if also being changed)
DR Servers
If there are DR servers with IP address changes then use the CMI to change their IP addresses
- IP Address of DR
- Subnet Mask of DR
- Gateway IP address
- Primary Server IP address (if also being changed)
- Hostname (if also being changed)
- DNS Servers (if also being changed)
Restart MySQL on the Primary, Standby and DR
start Tomcat on the primary
start Tomcat standby
start Tomcat on the DR
Ensure the MySQL database is correctly synchronised
Ensure the Swivel servers are contactable and the Swivel management console is functional