IP Address change for Active Active Appliances without CMI
[hide]- 1 Overview
- 2 Prerequisites
- 3 IP address change for MySQL appliances without CMI
- 3.1 Stop the Monitor Process
- 3.2 Stop the Heartbeat Process
- 3.3 Stop the Tomcat Process
- 3.4 Change IP addresses
- 3.5 Stop MySQL Server
- 3.6 Change Network Information
- 3.7 Change the Monitor Process Configuration
- 3.8 Change Management IP Address Range Configuration
- 3.9 Change the ChangePIN Configuration
- 3.10 Change the MySQL Process Configuration
- 3.11 Change the Heartbeat haresources Process Configuration
- 3.12 Change the heartbeat ha.cf Process Configuration
- 3.13 Change the drbd Process Configuration
- 3.14 Change the Cluster Configuration
- 3.15 Change the PINsafe Administration Console Configuration where required
- 3.16 Change any remote device Configuration where required
- 3.17 Start MySQL Server
- 3.18 Start Monitor Process
- 3.19 Start Heartbeat Process
- 3.20 Start Tomcat Process
- 3.21 Check the configuration
- 3.22 Resync the slave server configuration from the Primary Master
- 3.23 Load the database onto the slave and start the slave
- 3.24 Troubleshooting
- 4 Additional Information
This document outlines the procedures for changing the IP address on PINsafe Servers using Active Active appliances without the CMI. Under no circumstances should these instructions be used where the CMI is present. In some instances it may be possible to add the CMI to the PINsafe appliance.
Have read and followed the information in IP Address change for PINsafe servers How to Guide
IP address change for MySQL appliances without CMI
On each PINsafe Primary Master, Secondary Master and all Slaves carry out the following steps:
Login to webmin
Stop the Monitor Process
Select Servers/PINsafe
Stop Monitor
(Not required on Slave)
Stop the Heartbeat Process
Select Servers/PINsafe
Stop Heartbeat
(Not required on Slave)
Output from /etc/init.d/heartbeat stop ..
Stopping High-Availability services:
[ OK ]
Stop the Tomcat Process
Select Servers/PINsafe
Stop Tomcat
Output from /etc/init.d/tomcat5 stop ..
Stopping Tomcat: [ OK ]
waiting for processes to exit
waiting for processes to exit
waiting for processes to exit
[ OK ]
Change IP addresses
On the Primary and Secondary Master Change the IP address of connecting Slaves. On the slave enter the IP address of the master-host. If changing the Cross over address, the new Cross over replication IP address.
Login as the root user [default is username: root, password: lockbox]
Select Servers/MySQL Database Server
From the Global Options Menu select User Permissions
Select ‘replication’ for the IP address to be changed and edit the IP address
Change the IP address of any slave servers connecting to the master
If editing a slave server enter the master MySQL IP address
master-host =
Note: If changing the IP address of the cross over cable or connecting to a remote master then the master-host IP address will need to be changed on each server to point to the other Master server.
Stop MySQL Server
Select Servers/MySQL Database Server
Stop MySQL Server
The Webmin will now display
MySQL is not running on your system - database list could not be retrieved.
Change Network Information
Select Networking/Network Configuration
Network Interfaces
Enter Network Information changes and save for Boot time and Active Interfaces. Reconnect on new IP address if required, and login.
Change the Monitor Process Configuration
Select System/MON Service Monitor
Host Groups
Change Member Hosts to reflect IP addresses used
Change Management IP Address Range Configuration
Select Servers/PINsafe
Edit PINsafe ranges.xml File
Change any modified ranges to access PINsafe Management Console
Change the ChangePIN Configuration
Select Servers/PINsafe
Edit Changepin Config File
Change the ChangePIN IP to reflect the Virtual IP to be used
<entry key="imageserver"></entry>
Change the MySQL Process Configuration
Select Servers/PINsafe
Edit my.cnf config (mysql)
If changing heartbeat address edit IP
If editing a slave server enter the master MySQL IP address
master-host =
Note: The changes made to my.cnf file are not applied until the /var/lib/mysql files are removed (see this step below)
Change the Heartbeat haresources Process Configuration
Select Servers/PINsafe
Edit Heartbeat haresources File
Change the IP address to the Virtual IP address and hostname if required
(Not required on Slave)
Change the heartbeat ha.cf Process Configuration
Select Servers/PINsafe
Edit Heartbeat ha.cf File
Change the Ucast eth0 address and if changing the crossover IP change Ucast eth1 address.
Change hostnames if required
Change the gateway address ping <IP Gateway Address>
(Not required on Slave)
ucast eth0
ucast eth1
auto_failback on
# Tell what machines are in the cluster # node nodename ... -- must match uname -n node primary.swivel.local node standby.swivel.local # # Treats as a psuedo-cluster-member # Used together with ipfail below... # You must be able to ping this IP Address ping
Change the drbd Process Configuration
Select Servers/PINsafe
Edit drbd.conf File
Change the hostnames used if required
Change cross over IP address if required
(Not required on Slave)
on primary.swivel.local { device /dev/drbd0; disk /dev/sda9; address; meta-disk internal; on standby.swivel.local { device /dev/drbd0; disk /dev/sda9; address; meta-disk internal;
Change the Cluster Configuration
Select Cluster/Heartbeat Monitor
Configuration Options
Change the hostname if required
(Not required on Slave)
Change the PINsafe Administration Console Configuration where required
On the PINsafe server
Edit the RADIUS server IP address if required
Edit any changes to the RADIUS/NAS entries
Edit any changes to the Server/Agent entries
Change any remote device Configuration where required
ON the Remote devices
Edit RADIUS NAS devices for new PINsafe server IP
Edit Agents for new PINsafe server IP including any remote ChangePIN and Reset utilities
Edit any registry setting referring to PINsafe IP
Edit any custom login pages containing PINsafe server IP address information
Start MySQL Server
Select Servers/MySQL Database Server
Start MySQL Server
Start Monitor Process
Select Servers/PINsafe
Start Monitor
(Not required on Slave)
Start Heartbeat Process
Select Servers/PINsafe
Start Heartbeat
(Not required on Slave)
Output from /etc/init.d/heartbeat start ..
Starting High-Availability services:
[ OK ]
Start Tomcat Process
Select Servers/PINsafe
Start Tomcat
Output from /etc/init.d/tomcat5 start ..
Starting Tomcat: [ OK ]
Check the configuration
Use the status command to check the status of the MySQL servers
show master status;
show slave status\G;
Resync the slave server configuration from the Primary Master
On the slave server
stop mysql
service mysqld stop
delete all files in /var/lib/mysql except for the mysql folder
cd /var/lib/mysql rm ./* [root@appliance mysql]# rm ./* rm: remove regular file `bin.000001'? y rm: remove regular file `bin.000002'? y rm: remove regular file `bin.000003'? y rm: remove regular file `error.log'? y rm: remove regular file `ibdata1'? y rm: remove regular file `ib_logfile0'? y rm: remove regular file `ib_logfile1'? y rm: remove regular file `log-bin.index'? y rm: remove regular file `master.info'? y rm: cannot remove directory `mysql': Is a directory rm: cannot remove directory `pinsafe_rep': Is a directory rm: remove regular file `relay.000002'? y rm: remove regular file `relay.000003'? y rm: remove regular file `relay-log.index'? y rm: remove regular file `relay-log.info'? y [root@appliance mysql]# rm -rf ./pinsafe_rep/
Start the Mysql
service mysqld start
Load the database onto the slave and start the slave
load data from master;
start slave;
Check the status
From the mysql command line
show slave status\G;
Check the PINsafe, Apache Tomcat logs.
mysql> load data from master; ERROR 1218 (08S01): Error connecting to master: Access denied for user 'replication'@'' (using password: YES)
Change the Master SQL Server Slave IP addresses permitted to authenticate. This is done in the webmin
Additional Information
For assistance in the PINsafe installation and configuration please contact your reseller or email Swivel Secure support at support@swivelsecure.com