Juniper ChangePIN
This document outlines how to integrate the Swivel ChangePIN with Juniper. See also RADIUS ChangePIN and ChangePIN How to Guide
Swivel Server
Juniper SSL VPN version 6 or 7 OS.
Modified Changepin page for version 6
Modified Changepin page for version 7
Juniper SA 2000 JunOS 6 or 7.
Swivel 3.8
A user authenticates against the Juniper server, which passes the RADIUS authentication to the Swivel server. If the user is required to Change their PIN the Swivel server responds with a RADIUS Challenge, and the user is redirected to a change PIN page.
Configure the Swivel and Juniper so that they are fully working together, see Juniper SA 6.x Integration or Juniper SA 7.x Integration or Juniper SA 8.x Integration
Swivel Integration Configuration
On the Swivel Administration Console select RADIUS then NAS and edit the required Juniper NAS entry Change PIN Warning to Yes, then apply the settings.
Juniper ChangePIN Integration
Download the login page and add the modified ChangePIN page given above under prerequisites, rename and edit as appropriate, add to the zip file and upload to the Juniper server.
Juniper ChangePIN page options
Edit the following options:
var OTC_OPTION = "image"; // button, image, disable
image When the user tabs down from the username field, the TURing will automatically show, used for Single Channel access
button The login page will present a TURing button. Click the button to display the TURing, used for Single or Dual Channel access
disable The TURing image will not be shown, used for Dual Channel access.
TURingImage: Is the URL used to generate a TURing image. This should point to the internal IP address of the appliance
var TURingImage = "";
Juniper RADIUS Custom rules
On the Juniper Administration console select the Swivel RADIUS server and create a Custom RADIUS rule with the following settings:
Name: ChangePIN
Response Packet Type: Access Challenge
Attribute Criteria: RADIUS Attribute Reply-Message (18)
Attribute Criteria: Operand Matches the expression
Value: changepin
Action: use the appropriately modified page; Show Next Token page or show New Pin Page
Additional Installation Options
Combining Swivel and RSA RADIUS changePIN
Where Swivel is acting as a proxy RADIUS server for RSA authentication, Swivel can proxy the RADIUS request.
Configure the Swivel RADIUS proxy so that it will authenticate RSA users, see RADIUS Proxy How to guide.
On the Juniper edit the Swivel RADIUS authentication setting to add an additional custom rule with the following settings:
Name: RSAChangePIN
Response Packet Type: Access Challenge
Attribute Criteria: RADIUS Attribute Reply-Message (18)
Attribute Criteria: Operand does not match the expression
Value: changepin
Action: show Generic Login page
Apply the settings
Note: The Juniper displays the Generic login page as show Defender page
Verifying the Installation
Login as a Swivel user.
Set the user to be required to change their PIN, the user should be redirected to the ChangePIN page. The user will be required to enter their old OTC, and a new OTC based on what they want their PIN to be. This OTC could be from the TURing, SMS message or mobile app. Remember to never enter the Swivel PIN.
Where RSA authentication is being used, require the user to change their PIN, and they should be redirected to a RSA Change PIN page. The the first time a user accesses the system with a new token the user will be required to enter a new PIN. If the user wanted a PIN of 1234 the would enter 1234 in the box.
The RSA server then send a challenge asking for the PIN to be re-entered to confirm the user has not miss-typed it. The user would again enter 1234.
Once the user has successfully changed their PIN the RSA server asks them to login again with their new PIN plus token code. The user would enter 1234XXXXXX where XXXXXX is the code displayed on the token.
If the RSA server sees the token go out of sync it will ask the user to enter their next token code. The user would now enter XXXXXX where XXXXXX is the next code displayed on the token after the code the user used to authenticate. They do not type their PIN at this stage.
Uninstalling the Swivel Integration
Remove the modified login pages and RADIUS customisation.
Check the Swivel logs for authentication, proxy and ChangePIN requests.
Known Issues and Limitations
Where Swivel and RSA change PIN is being used and the user is a Swivel and a RSA user, and dual channel authentication is being used, then the Change PIN will fail for RSA users. for single channel users not using dual channel authentication, the proxy server can be used to detect the presence of a single channel session being started.