Language customization
The Swivel Administration console can be configured to different languages and text. However the language files will need to be backed up and reapplied after an upgrade on each Swivel instance, although new features and changes may be displayed in English.. If the language files are supplied to Swivel, it may be possible to incorporate them within the Swivel build although new features and changes may be displayed in English.
See also Administration console customization.
Swivel 3.x
How to create new language files
The language files are stored in <path to Tomcat>/pinsafe/WEB-INF/languages
Appliance: /usr/local/tomcat/pinsafe/WEB-INF/languages
Create copies of console.en.xml and errors.en.xml changing en for the required language abbreviation.
Example: and
Edit the language files
Edit these two files and replace the appropriate text in <PhraseContent>TEXT</PhraseContent>
However, it will probably be necessary to convert characters to UTF-8 encoding.
Setting the language file
On the Swivel Administration console change the language under Server/Language to the required language abbreviation used above. Click Apply and the language file should be applied immediately.
Example: jp
View the Swivel Administration console for new changes.