Lockout Account How to guide
Accounts may become locked for a variety of reasons. This document deals with issues, settings and options related to Account Lockout
PINsafe 3.x
Account Lockout
Causes of Account lockout: User-account is locked
How to Unlock an Account: How to Unlock
Maximum Login Tries
This value gives the number of logins that may be attempted until the account is locked. This option is located on the Swivel Administration Console under Policy/General
Maximum login tries:
Automated Account Unlock
Swivel version 3.8 onwards has the option to automatically unlock accounts after a set duration. The length of time that the account is locked for is given in minutes. This option is located on the Swivel Administration Console under Policy/General. Note that in the administration console after the Auto Unlock period has been exceeded the account remains locked, and when an authentication attempt is made, the account lockout status is checked and the account is marked as unlocked.
Account lockout time (minutes):
A value of 0 means the account will remain locked.
Note: When the Account lockout time is used, an account will remain locked in the Swivel Administration console, until an attempt is made to login to the account, even if the account lockout time has been exceeded. The Account lockout time only applies to users who have been locked out because of too many incorrect login attempts, not to users that have been locked due to inactivity or PIN expiry. If it is set to 0 (the default), then such users are locked indefinitely (until an administrator unlocks them).
Note for SMS users, after a timed lockout a new SMS is not sent. If an authentication failure is made to attempt to get a new SMS, then the account will lock again. Use a Get SMS button to request a new SMS.
Known Issues
When the Account lockout time is used, an account will remain locked in the Swivel Administration console, until an attempt is made to login to the account, even if the account lockout time has been exceeded.
Login failures for SMS users will result in a time unlocked account to be locked again.