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Meraki is a cloud-based managed wi-fi solution.

This article explains how you can add Swivel Authentication to the wifi authentication process.

The integration is possible because Meraki allows for two features:-

  • RADIUS Authenetication
  • The ability to direct a user to a specified URL


The wireless connection uses PAP as the authentication method when you are using the Sign-on Splash page feature. With PAP, user credentials are sent in plain text. However, in a Meraki network, user credentials are encrypted in an SSL tunnel when sent from the clients web browser to the Meraki Cloud Controller. The Meraki Cloud Controller acting as the RADIUS client sends the username and password along with other connection specific data in a RADIUS Access-request to the PINsafe RADIUS server you specified in Dashboard. For security, the Meraki Cloud Controller encrypts the password using the RADIUS shared secret and an XOR function. This ensures the users password is never transmitted in plain text.

Meraki Configuration

There are two settings specifc to this integation, setting RADIUS for authentication and setting the url of the custom login page.

Firstly on the access control page you need to specify that authentication to this network will be via RADIUS. You need to enter the host name/ip address of the Swivel server and enter a shared secret.

Note that the Swivel server needs to be accessible on the RADIUS port via the internet for the integration to work.

Also you need to create a NAS entry on the Swivel Server that matches that of the Meraki entry. The Meraki config page lists the possible source IP addresses.


You can test this setup using the test button on the Meraki configuration page. If this is set-up correctly you should see a authentication failure in the Swivel logs and a the status change or OK on the Meraki configuration screen, as shown in the screen shot above.

Now the redirect to the login page needs to be set up.

The key setting is to set the Custom splash page URL to a web page that can perform the Swivel authentication.

This page can be a page hosted on the Swivel Appliance (e.g. under webapps2) or Swivel Server, but can be any page that can collect the credentials required for the authentication.


Custom Login Page

When the user attempts to access a URL via the wifi network, they will be re-directed to the custom splash page.

As part of this redirection the following parameters will be passed

  • The login_url: The URL to which the login-form needs to be posted
  • The continue_url: The url the user was trying to access
  • username The users username

The login form must extract these parameters from the request.

Post the username and password (or one-time code) to the login URL, also passing the continue URL.

If a user needs to supply a password and a one-time code, the login form also needs to concatenate the password and one-time code into a single password field.

An example extract of a login page is shown below. The full page is available to Not you will need to supply a suitable header.gif

<form method="POST" align="center" onsubmit="combine()" action="<%=grant_url%>">
 <table width="600" align="center">
  <td colspan="2"><image src="./header.gif"></td>
  <td colspan = "2"> <h1>Welcome to Meraki WiFi</h1> </td>
      <th>Username:</th><td><input type ="text" name="username" id="username" onblur="showTuring()" value="<%=username%>" /></td>
      <th>Password:</th><td><input type ="password" id="adpassword" name="adpassword" /></td>
      <th>OTC:</th><td><input type ="password" name="otc" id="otc" /></td>
      <td><input type = "hidden" name="gr" value="<%=grant_url%>"/> </td>
      <td><input type="hidden" name="success_url" value="<%=continue_url%>" /></td>
	<td><input type="hidden" name="password" id="password" /></td>
      <td></td><td><input type="submit" value="Login" /><input type="button" onclick="showTuring()" value="New Image" /></td></tr><tr>
	  <tr><td colspan="2">Unauthorised access to this network constitutes a breach of the Computer Misuse Act 1990.<br />n</td></tr>

	  <% if (grant_url != null) { %>
      <input type="hidden" name="success_url" value="<%=URLEncoder.encode(continue_url)%>" /><%}%></td>
	  <th colspan="2"><image id="imgTuring" style="display:none" /></th></tr></table>