Microsoft Sharepoint 2019 Integration
NOTE: this solution is based on the SharePoint 2013 solution. As such, it has had limited testing on SharePoint 2019, but it appears to be working successfully.
The solution described here is for SharePoint 2019 only. Similar solutions are available for SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2010. Do not use version 1.8 of the filter for previous versions of SharePoint, and do not use earlier versions for SharePoint 2019.
Please note that the illustrations in this article are from the SharePoint 2013 integration. The forms will looks slightly different in 2019, but functionality is essentially the same. There may also be some outdated references to SharePoint 2013. This article will be updated in due course.
Downloading the Filter
The latest solution for PINsafe SharePoint 2019 filter is version 1.8.0. It can be found here.
Full instructions for installing the filter and configuring SharePoint to support it can be downloaded from here. This article refers to version 1.6 for SharePoint 2013, but the instructions are unchanged.
It is recommended to uninstall the old filter and then reinstall the new filter in order to remove the previous filter from the assembly cache. You should then choose the appropriate upgrade option when prompted. Note that upgrading from a SharePoint 2010 filter has not been tested, but as the technology is very similar, no problems are anticipated. If you do have a problem when upgrading an existing SharePoint 2010 filter to SharePoint 2013, it is recommended that you uninstall and treat it as a new installation.
To uninstall the filter select the Add/Remove Programs on the SharePoint server then uninstall. The settings are not removed in the uninstall process.
Yes, version 1.4 or later of the SharePoint filter has the ability to set the AD password. See documentation included in the download for more information.
Can the filter detect an expired AD password
Yes, version 1.4 or later of the filter will detect if the AD password has expired, and will redirect to a page suitable for changing the AD password. See documentation included in the download for more information.
Can the filter allow users to reset a forgotten AD password
Yes, version 1.5 or later of the SharePoint filter has the ability to reset forgotten AD passwords as well as PINs. See included documentation for more information.
However, the password reset feature requires version 3.9.6 or later of the Swivel Core server, which at the time of writing had not been released. However, a patch is available for version 3.8, from here, to add the required feature. If you want to use this feature, please contact to check if your version of PINsafe can be upgraded to support this feature. Please also contact for help in installing this patch.
Can the filter work with Membership Providers other than Active Directory
Yes, version 1.5.2 or later will work with other membership providers. However, the AD password management facilities must be disabled. These only work with the AD membership provider, and authentication with other membership providers will fail if this feature is enabled.
TURing image does not appear
A red cross may be present where the TURing image should appear. The usual causes are:
Incorrect path to PINsafe appliance
Self Signed Certificate is used, but the allow self signed certificate option has not been selected
Firewall blocking access to PINsafe server
Network issue
HTTP request against the PINsafe running HTTPS
Error Messages
502 - Bad Gateway
This has been seen where the SharePoint cannot connect to the PINsafe server. Check the above, particularly the settings for SSL or HTTP access.
Authentication provider not found
PINsafe cannot be accessed by the SharePoint server, verify connectivity settings.