MySQL Removing and Creating a database
For appliance version 2.09, CMI 0.9w the permissions on the MySQL database for the user pinsafe need to be configured to use the MySQL database. If a database creation has been attempted, then a partial database may exist and have to be removed and recreated. This should only be attempted on a new database containing no user data.
PINsafe appliance hardware or VMWare build 2.09
Symptoms admin:Unable to open the database: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'PINSAFEL' already exists admin:PINsafe data migration failed! com.swiveltechnologies.pinsafe.user.database.DatabaseException: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'PINSAFEL' already exists
Ensure the pinsafe database user permissions are correct, see MySQL permissions
Login to the appliance webmin function default:
To remove the pinsafe database
Select Servers/MySQL Database Server. Under MySQL Databases put a tick into the pinsafe database, then click on Drop Selected Databases. A message appears;
Are you sure you want to drop the 1 selected databases? 5 tables containing 0 rows of data will be deleted.
Click on Drop Databases to confirm. The pinsafe database will be removed.
To create the pinsafe database
Select Servers/MySQL Database Server. Under MySQL Databases select Create a new database. Enter Database name pinsafe and leave all other options as default then click on create. The PINsafe database will now be listed as a MySQL Database.