NowSMS How to guide
NowSMS allows SMS messages to be sent by connecting to their SMS gateway software. See also the MOXA NPort Ethernet to Serial
NowSMS offer a free trial of their software, see their website for details.
NowSMS software and GSM modem
Swivel 3.x
Mobile Phone on which to receive SMS text messages
Configuring the NowSMS server
Follow the NowSMS documentation and configure for web authentication and test that it is working for sending sms messages.
Configuring the Now SMS server for SMPP
On the NowSMS Gateway configuration select the Web tab, and then tick enable SMPP Server, then configure the following
Port number for SMPP Server: 8802
Under the SMS users tab, selert Add User, enter a username and password then tick Enable SMPP login for this user.
Configuring Swivel for the the NowSMS transport
Swivel uses the SMPP protocol to talk to the NowSMS gateway.
Configuring Swivel for one or more NowSMS transports
On the Swivel Administration Console select Transport/General, select Transport/General New Entry. Enter the required group name and the number of security strings to be sent. Ensure that the transport attribute phone is selected.
Identifier: the name of the transport, must be unique.
Class: Use the following: com.swiveltechnologies.pinsafe.server.transport.SMPPTransport, the name of the java class used.
Strings per message: Default: 1, the number of security strings that are sent.
Group: Default: ---NONE--- The group where security strings are sent to
Alert repository group: Default: ---NONE--- The group where Alert messages are sent to
Destination attribute: Default: phone, the attributes that is read from the data source to determine a users telephone number
Click apply to save the settings. For further information see: Transport Configuration
Configuring the NowSMS details for Swivel 3.x
Server: Default: The NowSMS server address the gateway used for sending messages using NowSMS
Port: 8802
System Type: pcsms
Username: Default: blank, NowSMS account name, this is a required field
Password: Default: blank, NowSMS account password, this is a required field
Source Address:
Source TON: 5
Source NPI: 0
Destination TON: 1
Destination NPI: 0
Keep Alive: No
Keep Alive Time: 30000
Expected Results
When a message is sent it is added to the message queue and then sent to the SMS gateway:
Message added to message queue for user: graham, destination: 12345678901
Message sent to user: graham, destination: 12345678901
A more detailed log is given below:
Message sent to user: graham, destination: 12345678901
Send response0, 0
Notifying observers of packet received
Setting state 2
Receiver thread started
Setting state 1
Opening TCP socket to NowSMSserver/ network link.
Binding to the SMSC as type 3
Creating receiver thread
Using event dispatcher ie.omk.smpp.event.SimpleEventDispatcher
Attemping to bind, conn = unbound
Message added to message queue for user: graham, destination: 12345678901
Try sending a security string or alert and check the Swivel log.
Also see SMS messages are not being sent
Check the connection, use TCP Dump, Wireshark, ethereal or similar to view the connection from Swivel to the SMS gateway. Can you Telnet to the gateway.