ReadResponseUser Documentation

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Class name: ReadResponseUser

Namespace: swivelsecure.client

Details of a single user returned from an AdminAPI Read request.

Contained Class: Transport

NOTE: this class is obsolete from Swivel server version 3.9.6 onwards. Use user attributes instead.

Class name: ReadResponseUser.Transport

Encapsulation of transport details for a user.


Transport(string name, string dest)

Constructor setting the name and destination properties directly
name: the name of the transport
destination: the transport destination (email address or phone number)

Transport(XmlElement elem)

Constructor reading the name and destination from a XmlElement
elem: the XmlElement containing the transport details


string Name

The name of the transport

string Destination

The transport destination (email address or phone number)


Note: typically, you will not construct instances directly. They will be returned by the SwivelAdminAPIResponse given by a Read request.


Default constructor

ReadResponseUser(XmlElement userElem)

Constructor to read from the XML response. Equivalent to calling the default constructor followed by ReadUserDetails(userElem)
userElem: the XmlElement containing the user details


void ReadUserDetails(XmlElement userElem)

Read user details from a XmlElement
userElem: The XmlElement containing the user details


string Name

The username

Transport AlertTransport

The alert transport. Obsolete from Swivel server 3.9.6 onwards.

Transport StringTransport

The security string transport. Obsolete from Swivel server 3.9.6 onwards.

List<string> Groups

The list of groups of which the user is a member.

Dictionary<string, string> Attributes

The table of user attributes. Only available from Swivel server 3.9.7 onwards.

List<SwivelUserPolicy> Policies

The list of policies applying to the user.

List<SwivelUserRight> Rights

The list of rights the user has.