VM Deployment
VM images are provided for VMWare, HyperV or Xen installations. You will receive an email containing images for each installation: download the appropriate one. VMWare images are OVA files, Xen images are zipped XVAs and HyperV are zipped generation 1 images.
If using vSphere, click "File -> Deploy OVF Template...", then select the appropriate file. Conventionally, the first network interface should be the external (internet-facing) one.
Unzipped the zipped generation 1 image. If using HyperV Manager, select "Action -> Import Virtual Machine", then select the unzipped folder. Conventionally, the first network interface should be the external (internet-facing) one.
Unzip the zipped XVA. If using XenCenter, click "File -> Import...", then select the unzipped XVA. Conventionally, the first network interface should be the external (internet-facing) one.