Windows Credential Provider with RBA
From AuthControl Sentry v4.0.5, you can use your RBA rules with AuthControl Credential Provider to disable 2fa in case the user has enough points.
AuthControl Credential Provider v5.4.2
AuthControl Sentry v4.0.5
Certificate rule does not work with WCP
RBA Configuration
In AuthControl Sentry SSO administration page you have a new application type WCP. Add a new application.
Select WCP.
Enter a name, the required points for authentication without 2fa, the entity ID must be wcp and click Save.
If you haven't configure any rules, please look at Authcontrol v4 Sentry SSO and Adaptive Authentication.
WCP Configuration
Open AuthControl Credential Provider Configuration
enter the Swivel SSO Port as 8443 and Swivel SSO Context as sentry. This will enable the check for RBA rules in WCP.
When you try to login now it will check for the rules. If the user has enough points, it will allow authentication without using 2fa.
RBA with fingerprint
If you have Biometric Identification active, you can use this to give more points to RBA and disable 2fa.