Troubleshooting Files FAQ

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Troubleshooting Files FAQ

To collect troubleshooting files from a Sentry Appliance:

  1. Log into the Appliance console (SSH or direct).
  2. Select the option Tools and Utilities
  3. Select the option Collect Support Logs
  4. Select one of the options on this menu. You can either copy the logs to a file and download them using SCP or email them. Note that the logs may be very large, so email may not be appropriate.

Note the location of the support files: /support/store. The bundle is created as log_files.tar.gz, but the individual files are also available under the log_files folder.

Note that the bundle is first tarred and then gzipped. Most decompression tools (Windows and Linux) will be able to extract the files, but note that not all will extract them in one go: you may have to extract the .tar file first and then extract the individual files from that.

Note that within the bundle, only the most recent logs are directly readable. Older files will have been gzipped, so need to be unzipped to read them.

Contents of the Support Files Bundle

There are 4 folders within the bundle:


This contains the complete transaction history for the Sentry databases, so the files can be very large. These are only really of interest to Swivel Secure support personnel.


This contains the Sentry (Core) logs. Note that these are in XML format. We provide a Windows tool to view them.


This contains several low-level log files:

  • cmi.log - records all commands made in the CMI.
  • error.log - records any errors encountered when using the CMI.
  • swivel.log - records certain scheduled activities such as backups
  • swivel-cmi-install.log - records update activities
  • wizard.log - records activities when initialising the apppliance


This folder contains a number of different files relating to the Tomcat process that the Swivel Secure applications run under.

  • catalina.out - this is the main Tomcat log file. It is likely to be the most useful file for troubleshooting
  • catalina.yyyy-mm-dd.log - this logs certain Tomcat activities not directly related to Swivel Secure applications
  • webapps.log - this logs all web connections to port 8080
  • webapps2.log - this logs all web connections to port 8443 (or 443 if redirection is enabled)

Note that older logs may be in archived files named according to a common protocol. The dates of these files are the dates on which the archive is created, so if the default rotation schedule is maintained, where logs are archived early in the morning, the archived file will probably contain logs from the day before the date shown.

The remaining files are unlikely to be of interest, and are frequently empty.