Backup Appliance
Backups of the appliance are made daily at 04.00. This document covers how to manually make backups. To make a backup of the appliance and PINsafe using the internal database, the Apache Tomcat process is first stopped and while the backup is taking place users will not be able to authenticate. when a MySQL database or other external type is used then Tomcat does not need to be stopped. To restore data to an appliance see Restore Appliance and Retrieving PINsafe backup files using Webmin, Automated FTP Backups and Automated SCP Backups.
Swivel appliance with CMI
Backup required
On the Appliance
Login as admin either on the console or SSH and select:
"Backup & Restore" "Full Backup, including appliance config and PINsafe"
The system will prompt for a backup reason. Enter a reason, or press enter to ignore
Expected results:
Master (Primary Appliance in a HA Pair)
############################################################ Backup Started : Fri Oct 17 10:18:27 GMT 2014 ############################################################
Copying network configuration Copying Keystore, ssh, snmp and /etc/profile Backing up Webapps & MySQL DB... Copying MySQL: "mysql" DB Copying MySQL: "pinsafe" DB Copying Tomcat webapps and log files Copying DRBD Copying Webmin Copying MON Copying Heartbeat Copying scripts
############################################################ Backup Finished : Fri Oct 17 10:18:39 GMT 2014 ############################################################
Press Return to continue
Changing the purge schedule
On the CMI at the Main Menu, select Backup and Restore, then Define Backup purge schedule.
Ensure that the "Copying MySQL: "pinsafe" DB" line correctly reflects the name of the MySQL DB in use. This may be checked by looking on the DB page within PINsafe