ChangePIN fails for user
A user attempts to change their PIN number using the ChangePIN utility but is unable to do so.
Swivel 3.x
User is unable to Change their PIN number
Check the Swivel logs for any error messages
User is entering their PIN and not the OTC. See ChangePIN User Guide for user ChangePIN instructions.
Incorrect configuration. See ChangePIN How to Guide for Administrator ChangePIN instructions.
Account may be locked from too many failed authentication attempts. Consult your Swivel helpdesk.
Graphical Turing image may have expired if it has been present for more than 2 minutes. Try process again.
ChangePIN is set to explicit mode, where by the PIN is entered directly (and thus vulnerable to key loggers) Consult your Swivel helpdesk to see if this mode of operation is in use. local:Session start failed for user: xxxxxx, error: The user does not belong in the correct group within the user repository to continue the authentication attempt.
The user may be attempting to start a single channel session when they are not part of the Single Channel group. This can occur when the user is permitted to use changePIN using SMS only. In this case do not click 'start session'.
ChangePIN failed for user: xxxx, Error: The PIN is not complex enough.
The PIN entered is too simple and breaks the Swivel rules defined in the Administration Console, The default for repeated digits is 0 and allows for no repeated digits.