Retrieving PINsafe backup files using Webmin
Before changing Swivel configuration settings it is suggested that you take a backup of the current configuration. This will allow the application to be restored to its current state in the event of a problem. One benefit being that the configuration may also be copied to a different appliance, in the event of an appliance being exchanged due to a fault.
- This article contains a step-by-step process to copy a backup file from the appliance to a PC.
- This article is intended for an intermediate user.
If you've not yet taken a backup of your appliance(s), please see the following articles:
- Backup Appliance
- Backup PINsafe on a Active/Active appliance
- Backup PINsafe on a Active/Passive appliance
For further information on copying files with appliances see: Copying appliance files How to Guide and Automated SCP Backups.
It is possible to take a range of back-ups from Swivel via the CMI. It is now possible on newer appliances to automate retrieval of backups using FTP, see the Automated FTP Backups article. However it may be required to retrieve these backup images manually from the Swivel server.
This article explains the various manual options available.
Copy a backup file from the appliance using Webmin
Login to the Webmin console via the following URL:
The Login page will be displayed. The default credentials are:
- Username: admin
- Password: lockbox
Once you've logged in, select the 'Others -> Upload and Download' option from the menu bar:
Select the tab entitled "Download from server":
Click the button to the right of the "File to download" dialogue box:
- Traverse the filesystem by double clicking the links
- Navigate to: /backups
- Select the backup file you wish to download
- Click OK, the required file should be listed
- Click Download to download the required backup
Copy a backup file from the appliance using WinSCP
Keywords: appliance, backup, webmin