Getting Started

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Information Gathering

Step 1: Find the required installation information.

For information required for an install see: Swivel Install Information Notes for Engineers and PINsafe Configuration Best Practices

Deployment Considerations

Step 2: Find where you want to deploy Swivel

Swivel is usually deployed in the DMZ as the Single Channel graphical image, Dual Channel Confirmation, Security String Index number, and mobile phone applications are requested from the client to the Swivel server (although usually proxied). For further information see Swivel Deployment

What resilience is required. High availability within one location will normally require an Active/Active Pair. High availability between sites will require a DR (Disaster Recovery) deployment.

What Swivel features will you be using, see Transports How To Guide

Swivel Installation Options

Step 3: Select, rack/download and install the platform

Swivel has a variety of deployment options, to view these and information on Virtual installation and basic configuration, select the preferred option:

Configuring the Appliance/OS

Step 4: Configure the Swivel server

Note: The Swivel appliance may not ship with the latest OS and Swivel version and it is recommended that Swivel is updated to the latest version first, see Downloads

When the Virtual Appliance, Hardware Appliance or Software has been installed, then configuration of Swivel can begin. For the appliance see Getting Started Basic CMI configuration.

Useful installation tools for virtual or hardware appliance configuration

Set the Timezone on appliances or software installs.

Configuring Swivel

Step 5: Configure the Swivel application

How to initially configure PINsafe