Getting Started Basic CMI configuration
This outlines the basic steps in setting up a Swivel Version 2.X Appliance using the CMI (Command Management Interface) and not Version 3. Each Swivel appliance must be configured. For an A/A install using the Swivel MySQL database, the networking sets up the database synchronisation, and when the Swivel application is configured it can be used to select the MySQL database.
Note: The CMI must be used for setting system information. Changes made elsewhere may invalidate its support.
PINsafe appliance running CMI
The following Networking information is required for each Swivel appliance.
- IP Address
- Netmask
- Gateway
- VIP (Where used)
Optional information that can be configured at this stage is:
- Routing Information
- DNS Servers
- NTP Server
- Heartbeat boot status (used for the VIP)
- Monitor Heartbeat status (used for the VIP)
Note on DR appliances: DR appliances require a Swivel engineer to configure the MySQL settings, please contact Swivel in advance for assistance.
Connecting to Swivel
Connect to each Swivel Appliance in one of the following ways:
- VM Console
- SSH on default Ethernet port (see the PuTTY How To Guide for more information)
For further information see Console Access How to guide
Default Ethernet Ports on Appliances
The Swivel appliances supports the use of up to 3 Network Interfaces (VM's need to create the additional interface). The following default IP addresses are used:
Standalone/DR ETH0
Primary of A/A ETH0 ETH1
Standby of A/A ETH0 ETH1
Login to each Swivel appliance with:
username: admin
password: lockbox (assuming the password has not been changed)
Set Network Interfaces
For each Swivel appliance nn the CMI Main Menu select Advanced Menu
select Networking
select IPs & Routing
select Change Appliance IPs
select Appliance IPs on eth0 (The standalone appliance has one Ethernet port Eth0, A/A appliances two Eth0 and Eth1.
- ETH0 is for authentication and management
- ETH1 is for direct communication between the A/A appliances using a cross over cable for maximum redundancy. It is possible to send traffic across ETH0 instead, but any failure in the network will interrupt synchronisation. To change this on 2.0.14 appliances select the MySQL menu then replication Interface and set as appropriate on both appliances. Earlier versions have this setting under the PINsafe menu.) On a VM appliance ETH0 or ETH1 can be used as desired.
When asked to stop the Tomcat service answer Yes
Enter the following Information on each appliance (options will vary depending on appliance type):
- New appliance IP
- New appliance Netmask
- New Default gateway
- New Standby appliance IP (or Primary for Standby, not applicable on Standalone)
- New Virtual Appliance IP (Where being used, if it is not required, leave it at the default value). For information on the VIP see VIP on PINsafe Appliances.
When asked Are you sure enter Yes if all information is correct
When asked Restart network interfaces now?, only answer yes if on the local console or there is connectivity on the new network address
For appliances using A/A MySQL, the replication Ethernet interface may be set, see Changing the Ethernet Replication Port
Configuring Network Interfaces Video
VIP Activation
On the Primary Master and Standby Master, from the CMI Main Menu select Advanced Options, then Default Running Services. Select the following options so that they will display ON and start automatically after a reboot:
To activate them immediately select these from the Main Menu, and start each in turn.
For more information on using the VIP see VIP on PINsafe Appliances.
Start Tomcat
On each Swivel appliance, from the CMI Main Menu select Tomcat
Then Start
Tomcat should then indicate it is running.
Verify Connectivity
Ensure that the Swivel appliances can be connected across the network. They should respond to a ping.
MySQL Status
The MySQL database replicates user data (not Swivel configuration). For Swivel appliances using the MySQL DB (i.e. the Active Primary Appliance, Active Standby Appliance, DR Appliance, and not the Standalone Appliance), check that MySQL is running and that the status is as expected.
Note: After an IP address change or on first install, ensure MySQL has been restarted.
On the Swivel CMI, from the Main Menu select MySQL
then status of Master/Slave
Swivel Appliance version 2.0.14 will show status as synchronised or not synchronised
Swivel Appliance version 2.0.13 and earlier shows the Position and Slave status as below, for the Primary and Standby
- Ensure the Primary Appliance Master Position is the same number as the Slave on the Standby Appliance
- Ensure the Standby Appliance Master Position is the same number as the Slave on the Primary Appliance
- Ensure all Slave IO Running are Yes
- Ensure all Slave SQL Running are Yes
This should all be working fully before proceeding. To ensure that they are in synchronisation see MySQL Appliance Database Synchronisation
CMI Password Change
It is recommended to change the CMI Password on each appliance, see Password change for CMI How to Guide
Further CMI configuration options
Configuring PINsafe
Configure the Timezone before starting the Swivel configuration. Remember to restart MySQL if used. It is not recommended to use differing timezones across Swivel appliances.
When the required networking and Timezone information has been set then Configure each Swivel appliance through the Swivel Administration consoles.
Note: It is recommended that where required, Swivel is updated to the latest version before configuration, see Upgrade Appliance.
Then follow How to initially configure PINsafe