Health Check Swivel
This document outlines health checks that can be made on Swivel installs.
Swivel 3.x
Client reported issues
Have any issues been reported by users
Swivel application checks
Swivel Version
On the Swivel Administration Console check the Swivel version given in the top right corner. Check to see if an upgrade is required. See Versions FAQ
Check the Status page for:
- Excessive number of locked, deleted, disabled, inactive accounts
- Server is running in synchronised mode
- License has not or will soon expire or has been exceeded by the number of users.
On the Swivel Administration Console check the Swivel logs on each Swivel instance, see Log how to guide and Troubleshooting Files FAQ. Look for;
- NAS/AGENT requests not recognised by Swivel
- Repository Sync errors
- Syncs run at different times on servers
- Reasonable space between syncs
- RADIUS errors
- Large numbers of account creations/deletions
Tomcat checks
Tomcat logs
For a Swivel Virtual or hardware appliance check /var/log/tomcat, particularly the catalina.out, see also Troubleshooting Files FAQ.
Check that there are not an excessive number of logs
Are the logs recording the required amount of logging data
Operating system checks
Disk space
On each Swivel virtual or hardware appliance see Appliance Disk full
System logs
On each Swivel virtual or hardware appliance check the /var/log/messages, see also Troubleshooting Files FAQ.
Also dmesg using the dmesg command
Date, time and timezone
On each Swivel virtual or hardware appliance check the date, time and timezone using the date command or Webmin.
ps -aux
socket information
The following commands are useful
ss -s
ss -t
ss -l
netstat -lanp
On each Swivel virtual or hardware appliance ensure there is sufficient disk space
Are the backups in /backups and expected size
If FTP backups or scp backups are made ensure that they exist, see Backup Appliance
Swivel virtual or hardware CMI checks
On each Swivel virtual or hardware appliance check in the CMI under Advanced/version for the versions running to see if an upgrade is required, see Appliance Versions FAQ
Appliance Heartbeat
On each Swivel virtual or hardware appliance check in the CMI under heartbeat status that the VIP is running on the primary. If required test the fail over to the standby by stopping heartbeat on the primary. Check Heartbeat and Mon are set to start at boot. See VIP Status.
Appliance Database Synchronization
On each Swivel virtual or hardware appliance check the MySQL status to ensure that they are in synchronization, see also MySQL Appliance Database Synchronisation.
Swivel hardware appliance Checks
Verify the DRAC card is accessible and working, see DRAC Card How To Guide
Is the an ISO image for bare metal recovery, see Recovery Disk for Appliances How to Guide
Are the Hardware appliances still under maintenance
Escalating issues found on the health check
Issues found on a health check should be checked against the Knowledgebase and if required escalated through the reseller and raised as a support ticket, see Support Ticket How To Guide.